تعليممواضيع تعبير وأبحاث

تعبير عن سليمان الراجحي بالانجليزي قصير 

تعبير عن سليمان الراجحي بالانجليزي قصير يوضح نشأته، وكيفي تمكن من بناء حياته التي أصبحت محط اهتمام الكثير في المملكة السعودية وخارجها، ويعمل موقع النيل على ذكر حياته، وكيف تمكن من إثبات نفسه في مجال تجارة الأموال.

Introduction Expression of Solomon Al Rajhi in English Short

Sulaiman Al-Rajhi is one of the most important and influential figures, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was able to leave a large mark, especially in the field of money trade.

elements of the subject

1- About him.

2 – Birth and upbringing.

3- Moving to Jeddah.

4- Al Rajhi Bank.

About him

In 1956, he opened an exchange shop in Jeddah in partnership with his brother Saleh Al-Rajhi, who was later known as Al-Rajhi Bank. Al-Rajhi ranks sixth on the list of the top ten philanthropists in the world according to the Wealth-X list, and thus he is the most generous Arab businessman. He transferred his banking shares in Al Rajhi Bank (recently worth $3.7 billion) and agricultural projects (poultry and other assets) to a charitable endowment bearing his name, which funds education endeavors and initiatives that contribute to food security.

Birth and upbringing

Suleiman bin Abdul Aziz bin Saleh Al-Rajhi was born on November 30, 1928 in the Al-Bukayriyah region, which is one of the governorates of the Qassim region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Sheikh grew up in Al-Bukayriyah within a poor family, and he was ranked third among his four brothers, and they are, in order: Saleh, Abdullah, Suleiman, Muhammad. His father moved to Riyadh with his brothers Saleh and Abdullah to work, then returned to take the rest of the family in 1356 AH / 1937 AD.

In Riyadh, Suleiman enrolled in studies, but since his childhood he was inclined towards work and trade. He worked as a porter and a guard for merchants’ goods in the market. In his free time, he followed camels to collect the firewood that fell from them, and he worked in construction and other professions that gave him experience in market conditions and knowledge of dealing methods. And the treatment of different groups, mentalities and methods of trade.

In the year 1363 AH / 1943 AD, he opened a small shop on the main road in the Al-Murabba neighborhood, and he sold many products such as sugar, tea, matches, candy, etc. He used to bring some products that were only sold in Bahrain, especially sweets, and he continued to work in this shop until the year 1365 AH / 1945 AD, when he sold it to pay the costs of the marriage. Then he and his family moved to Jeddah and he began working with his brother Saleh in his shop in Jeddah.

Moving to Jeddah

In the year 1365 AH / 1945 AD, Suleiman moved to work in the city of Jeddah to work within the business of his older brother Saleh, to be responsible for the commercial activity of money exchange in Jeddah and Mecca. He worked hard, carrying packages and deposits and delivering them on his back to the airport, covering more than ten kilometers to save on the porter and transportation fees. He also traded in locks, fabrics, building materials, etc. When the business began to grow and encouraging profits were achieved, Sheikh Suleiman rented a small shop under the Okasha Mosque in Jeddah. After eleven years of working with his brother Saleh, the two agreed to transform that shop into a partnership between them, and this became his first official business in the year 1377 AH / 1957 AD.

This partnership continued, and during this period the Sheikh entered the world of real estate and began expanding it as well. In the year 1391 AH / 1971 AD, he and Saleh decided to end the partnership so that each of them could focus on his own business.

In the year 1392 AH / 1972 AD or shortly before, he began operating alone under the name “Sulaiman Al-Abdul Aziz Al-Rajhi Foundation.” He began to expand and opened a number of branches in Jeddah and elsewhere, while being careful not to open any branches in the Riyadh region out of respect for the activity of his older brother, Sheikh Saleh. This banking expansion was also accompanied by expansion in the field of real estate, and it was able to gain a good reputation among customers and merchants from inside and outside the Kingdom.

After a period of approximately six years of working individually, they agreed to return to working together again. This time, the four brothers came together to work together, and Sheikh Sulaiman was delegated to mainly manage the work. This was in the year 1398 AH / 1978 AD, when Al Rajhi Exchange and Trade Company was established, whose main work focused on the field of exchange, with some activities related to real estate and building materials.

Al Rajhi Bank

During the past periods of his life and during his various works, he dealt with various international banks, but this dealing was often worrying due to the fear of falling into legal prohibitions, especially after he discovered in the year 1392 AH / 1972 AD that some small interest had entered his accounts, which confirmed His concerns and called on him to redouble research and thinking to reach a new approach, concept, and innovative approach that establishes the work of Islamic banking.

He started in London and applied to officials at the British Central Bank with a request for a license to open a consulting services office. However, the request was initially rejected, but after the Sheikh met them personally and convinced them of his point of view, they were approved and the opening was in the year 1402 AH / 1981 AD. The Sheikh then embarked on a global tour to introduce the office, its services, and its benefits.

In the absence of a specialized legal supervisory body at that time, the Sheikh used the fatwas and consultations of many senior sheikhs and scholars, especially Ibn Baz and Abdullah bin Hamid. In the same year, i.e. 1402 AH / 1981 AD, the four brothers met and the idea of ​​an Islamic bank was put forward, especially since during Their work at the company was a trading business similar to banking, despite it being an exchange company. Everyone agreed to the idea and the application was submitted to the state for approval. In fact, the bank’s system was approved and approved after nearly six years and was approved by the state in the year 1408 AH / 1988 AD, because the system was new in idea and content and it was established under the name of Al Rajhi Investment Banking Company. The number of the first founders was approximately 132, each of whom paid three hundred thousand riyals.

Conclusion of the expression of Solomon Al Rajhi in English Short

Despite the difficult circumstances he went through as a child, he was able to prove himself and build his business, which left an important impression in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

عالم الأموال يتطلب شخصًا محترف يمتلك روح المجازفة، وهذه الصفات اتصف بها سليمان الراجحي، ولذلك تمكن من إثبات نفسه، وأصبح شخصًا مؤثرًا في العالم.

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